Asset Flash Sale
... Proindiviso
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Flat for sale in Calle Villa, 45516, Puebla De Montalban La (Toledo)

8,600 €
Before 10,100 € Saving 1,500 €
  • 122 m2
  • 5 bed.
  • 2 Bathrooms
  • 1900 const.
Special Sale Property Offers are subject to a period of transparency.

Property with Special Sale! Properties with flash sale are subject to a special sale process by auction. A period is set during which interested parties may submit bids, thus ensuring equal opportunities in the process.

You have until 24/09/2024 at 18:00 to place your best bid! More information
Time remaining
to make an offer

Proindiviso. Discover the comfort and charm of this Single-Family Townhouse in Puebla de Montalbán, Toledo.

Smartly laid out over two floors, this 122 square meter home offers five spacious bedrooms, two elegant bathrooms, a cozy living-dining room and a functional kitchen.

The ground floor has a hall-living room, kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms, while the upper floor offers another living space, kitchen, a bathroom and three additional bedrooms.

Built in 1970, this property has been carefully maintained and is ready to become your new home.

Enjoy the harmony and functionality of living in a house that adapts perfectly to your needs, with a convenient location in Puebla de Montalbán.

Discover the serene and cozy life that awaits you in this charming semi-detached single-family home!

The Seller is the owner of an undivided interest in the Property (33%), not being the owner of 100% in full ownership. Non-visitable property.

Read full description
Age 1900
122.00 m2 tools
122.00 m2 const.
5 bed.
2 Bathrooms
Additional Information
Building specifications
- Bathroom in good condition
Common areas
- Has gardens or green areas
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Approximated location
Calle Villa, 45516, Puebla De Montalban La (Toledo)
Property Ownership

Grupo Caixabank

Ad reference 5939297
Price 8,600 € (taxes not included)
Legal status Proindiviso Condiciones Venta Flash

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Descuentos aplicables en cada inmueble solo para ofertas (precio propuesto de compra) presentadas durante el período comprendido entre el 17/09/2024 y el 13/11/2024 ambos inclusive. La indicada oferta presentada debe ser expresamente aceptada por el propietario del inmueble, siendo requisito necesario, y quedando la oferta y su aprobación condicionada a que el ofertante: 1. facilite toda la documentación e información que le sea requerida a los efectos de dar cumplimiento a la política de Prevención de Blanqueo de Capitales y Financiación del Terrorismo, 2 . la documentación aportada cumpla con todos los requisitos legales necesarios para su validación por los órganos de control, 3.La formalización en escritura pública se lleve a cabo antes del 31/12/2024 (incluido) y 4. Se obtengan, en caso de ser necesario, todas las autorizaciones pertinentes de las administraciones públicas para su transmisión.

Descuentos aplicables únicamente al precio de compra (esto es, excluidos impuestos y gastos que serán a cargo del comprador). Descuentos no acumulables a ninguna otra oferta o promoción. Condiciones de la promoción válidas para inmuebles identificados como incluidos en la campaña promocional en

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