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Semi-detached house for sale in Calle La Pena, Bajo, 43750, Flix (Tarragona)
- 57 m2
- 2 bed.
- 1 Bathrooms
- 1900 const.
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Town house to rehabilitate its interior in its entirety. It is a semi-detached single-family home consisting of three floors above ground, consisting of two bedrooms and a bathroom, with a constructed area of 57 m2 and a useful living area of 47.5 m2. It is located in the municipality of Flix, in the province of Tarragona.
The house is composed of two floors. The ground floor has an open space for the storage room, living-dining room, kitchen, a bathroom, the first floor contains the two bedrooms. The ground floor is a completely open space without distribution that works as an attic
The house has stoneware floors in the main rooms, aluminum windows and interior woodwork, mainly sapele. In the house it is necessary to carry out a reform to adapt it to optimal habitability conditions
The property is located in a quiet area, surrounded by residential homes with similar characteristics. In addition, it is located a short distance from the center of the town, where it is possible to find all kinds of services, such as restaurants, schools, health centers, shops.
The house has an excellent location and is very well connected by the regional roads that surround the municipality and by public transport.
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