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Multi-storey industrial building for sale and rental in Paseo John Lennon, Bajo, 28906, Getafe (Madrid)

Buy 390,000 €
Rent 3,185 €/month
  • 1,527 m2
  • 1 Bathrooms
  • 1970 const.


Industrial warehouse with 1 floor above ground in the municipality of Getafe, in the province of Madrid.

It has a constructed area of ​​approximately 1527.21 m2, according to the cadastre. It has a multipurpose character since it is susceptible to use for different business activities, and by different companies or economic agents, without there being any legal or administrative limitations that apparently restrict its use. It is located in an optimal location and close to university complexes, sports centers, shopping centers, parks and gardens.

Getafe is a municipality and Spanish city located in the southern area of ​​the Community of Madrid, and one of the most industrialized in the metropolitan area of ​​Madrid. It has a population of 185,180 inhabitants. Currently, thanks to its large industrial and service network, Getafe is a municipality with its own entity that has avoided becoming a dormitory city, allowing a large proportion of its residents to work or study in the same town. The increase in population has forced the construction of numerous access roads, has expanded the range of public services and has promoted the creation of new neighborhoods throughout the 20th century.

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Multi-storey industrial building
Age 1970
BAJO Floor
1,454.48 m2 tools
1,527.21 m2 const.
2,000.00 m2 plot
1 Bathrooms
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Building specifications
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Approximated location
Paseo John Lennon, Bajo, 28906, Getafe (Madrid)
Property Ownership

Grupo Caixabank

Ad reference 6048572
Price 390,000 € or 3,185 €/month (taxes not included)
Technical status Edificio a rehabilitar

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