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Rustic Land for sale in Calle Pago De Los Serranos Pol 39 Pc 33, 04820, Velez Rubio (Almería)

Price to consult
  • 136 m2

Undivided. Rustic property located in Polígono 39, plot 33, part of 36 and disseminated 065, Pago de Los Serranos, in the municipality of Vélez Rubio, province of Almería. It has a registration area of ​​2,445 m2. Inside there is a farmhouse-type building with an area of ​​12 m2 registered. The farm is located in an environment of mountain land and almond cultivation in dry land. According to the PGOU of the municipality of Vélez Rubio, it is located in Non-Developable Land of Special Protection (S.N.U.P.) and in the Archaeological Sites area. Cadastral reference: 04099A039000330000BX 04099A039000360000BE 000206500000000001BQ

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Cadastral ref.
Approximated location
Calle Pago De Los Serranos Pol 39 Pc 33, 04820, Velez Rubio (Almería)
Property Ownership


Ad reference 5935721
Price Price to consult
Legal status Proindiviso
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