... Proindiviso
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Rustic Land for sale in Calle Paraje Mareny De Barraquetes, 46410, Sueca (Valencia)

2,000 €
Before 4,400 € Saving 2,400 €
  • 1,187 m2

Rustic land located on Sau-Mareny Vilches street, 528 (Playa del Rei) in Sueca (Valencia)

The Seller is the owner of an undivided interest in the Property (20.31%), not being the owner of 100% in full ownership.

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Cadastral ref.
Approximated location
Calle Paraje Mareny De Barraquetes, 46410, Sueca (Valencia)
Property Ownership

Grupo Caixabank

Ad reference 5956663
Price 2,000 € (taxes not included)
Legal status Proindiviso
Disclaimer Suelo Specific conditions

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