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Urban Land for sale in Calle Patio De Felipe Viciana, 04006, Almeria (Almería)
- 253 m2
Urban plot resulting from the demolition of homes located on Patio de Felipe Viciana street, numbers 5, 7, 9 and 11, in the San Luis neighborhood of the municipality of Almería.
It is a single registered property made up of four cadastral references.
It has a registration area of 253 m2 and a cadastral area of 216 m2.
The most likely construction is the execution of a residential building, distributed in a maximum height of Ground Floor + 2 and a maximum buildable area of 487.41 m2, with a maximum of 6 homes.
Located in a residential neighborhood that has numerous services and establishments of all kinds. Area consolidated by buildings, in which residential use predominates, with local commerce.
Grupo Caixabank
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